Manufacturing Community-Jobs
connection program
The Maryland Manufacturing Community-Jobs Connection Program is a new program, created by MD MEP to bridge the gap between community-based groups and the manufacturing industry. This program is designed to educate community-based organizations on the opportunities for employment within the manufacturing industry and connect these with industry partners that have current and future work needs. The program will focus on providing education, awareness and opportunities for jobs in manufacturing. Additionally, MD MEP will work with industry partners and employers to identify job openings, define skill requirements and incentivize organizations to expand their workforce pipeline by engaging the program.
How the Program Works
This program starts with the jobs. MD MEP will work with Maryland’s manufacturers to identify current and future hiring needs and job opportunities. The job specific information is then shared with our community partners to identify candidates with the potential to succeed in these positions.
MD MEP has found that engaging community-based partnerships, stakeholders and services providers that are actively engaged in under-served communities can provide a pipeline of workers to local manufacturers located within the community. Building strong partnerships to ensure the job candidates are prepared and receiving the outside assistance to enable them to succeed can improve outcomes for all. MD MEP will work to identify, engage and partner with community-based groups that provide supportive services to under-served populations.
Understanding the importance of manufacturing to our economy and educating partners on the types of job opportunities available and the requirements to succeed is critical to the success of the program. Once MD MEP has identified potential jobs our team will work with local community-based groups to set up interactive and educational webinars that will provide an overview of the Maryland manufacturing industry as well as the available jobs and requirements of the program.
After MD MEP has educated the community-based organizations, these organizations are encouraged to help identify, recruit and select those job seekers who meet the qualifications of the available jobs and are ready to succeed in the workforce. These qualified participants will fill out a short MD MEP application and undergo a brief assessment to match them with the hiring needs of potential companies.
The goal of this program is to successfully build connections and partnerships between the manufacturing sector and the community-based organizations to create a long-term pipeline of job opportunities for these communities.
Reducing Risk:
In an effort to encourage manufacturers to explore new pipelines and provide new opportunities to these communities, MD MEP is incentivizing companies to give consideration to these candidates. Manufacturers that participate in this program and provide these opportunities will receive $1,000 per new hire (up to 10 new hires for a total of up to $10,000 in new hire incentives).*
Fostering Support:
MD MEP also understands that the support services and assistance that the job candidates receive from the community-based organizations is critical to their long-term success in the workforce. In support of this, MD MEP will provide $600.00 per candidate to the community-based organization that successfully places candidates with an employer and remains in good standing in the job for at least thirty days. There is no guarantee of a job or interview for participants.
Program Coordinator
For questions regarding the Community-Jobs Connection Program, or information on how to get involved, please contact: